Tuesday, January 11, 2011
a mixed day / miksita tago
this is the first photo of Fae, then named Dianne, that i saw 1 month and 2 days ago on the RSPCA Adopt A Pet website. i'm really glad that i found out about her that day and went to meet her the next day. life would have been completely different had that not happened....
ĉi tiu foto estas la unua foto pri Fae, kiun mi vidis antaŭ 1 monato kaj 2 tagoj sur la RSPCA Adopt A Pet TTT-ejo. mi estas tutkore dankema pro ekscii pri ŝi tiun tagon kaj renkonti ŝin la sekvintan tagon. vivo estus tute malsama se tio ne okazis.....
if only yesterday/today was more of a day of celebration. for over a month Queensland, Australia has been inundated with rain and over the past week massive flooding around the state has been destroying thousands of homes and lives. those who were lucky enough to have advance warning of flooding have had to evacuate leaving their pets behind because they aren't allowed at evacuation centers and animal shelters have had to close due to the flooding. today the high flood waters have begun coming into Brisbane, where we live, and between now and Thursday the Brisbane River is expected to flood an estimated 6,500 homes. thankfully we're safe as we don't live close to the river, but many aren't. :(
bedaŭrinde ne hieraŭ nek hodiaŭ estis/as tute feliĉaj tagoj. dum la pasinta monato+ multege da pluvo pluvadis en Kvinslando, Aŭstralio kaj dum la pasinta semajno grandaj inundoj detruis multe da miloj kaj vivoj. tiuj, kiuj estis bonŝancaj kaj kiuj sciis anticipe pri la venantaj inundoj ne povas kunporti siajn bestojn al evakuejoj kaj do devis forlasi ilin. ankaŭ bestŝirmejoj suferas pro la inundoj. hodiaŭ la akvo de la inundado atingis mian lokon, Brisbano, kaj aproks. 6,500 hejmoj en Brisbano inundos pro la akvo en la Brisbana Rivero. dankinde ni ne loĝas proksime al la rivero, sed multaj homoj tie loĝas.... :(
RSPCA Queensland has started a Flood Relief Fund to collect donations to help the animals that have been affected by the flooding. i hate asking people for money, but even the smallest of donations would be a huge help.... so few people think about animals during natural disasters....
RSPCA Kvinslando ekiis fondaĵo por gajni monon por la bestoj, kiujn la inundado influis. mi ege malŝatas peti iun pri mono, sed eĉ malmulte da mono estus grandega helpo.... malmultege da homoj pensas pri bestoj dum naturkatastrofoj....
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Our mom has been watching the news reports about the terrible flooding...We can't even imagine...We're sure the images on the TV don't even come close to the reality. We've been worried about all the non-human Beings -- no one reports on them, not here. :-(
ReplyDeleteWe are so sad to hear about all that flooding. We are purring very hard for all of those who are affected by it, both human and animals.
ReplyDeleteIt's Cloon's Human here...My heart goes out to everyone there and all the animals that had to be left behind. We will keep everyone in our prayers. I spent time in Brisbane and alot of Queensland last year and visited the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary. I tried to Google and see if the Sanctuary was affected by the floods...I hope it's ok.