the real question is "is one a lonely number for Fae?" sometimes she seems glad to be the only cat, thriving under the attention that she gets. other times she seems kind of distant and lonely. she has freaked out on several occasions upon encountering another cat which suggests that she doesn't like other cats, but there's also the fact that those occasions were brief encounters with other cats that she had had no introduction to/time to get use to. maybe if she were introduced very very slowly to another cat her reaction would be different....? but then again it might not. oh Fae, i wish i could read your mind. :'(
la vera demando estas "ĉu unu estas soleca nombro por Fae?" foje ŝi ŝajnas feliĉa pri esti sola kato. ŝi verŝajne amegas okupi sole la atenton de ni. tamen aliafoje ŝi verŝajne malfeliĉas kaj sentas sin soleca. plurfoje ŝi freneziĝis kiam ŝi renkontis alian katon kaj tio sugestas, ke aliaj katoj ne plaĉas al ŝi. tamen estas fakto, ke tiuj renkontiĝoj estis hazardaj kaj mallongaj kaj do ŝi havis neniom da tempo por alkutimiĝi al la alia kato. se alia kato estis ĝuste prezentita al ŝi eeege eeege malrapide, eble ŝi ne freneziĝus....? sed eble ŝi ankoraŭ freneziĝus. ho Fae, se mi povus scii viajn pensojn..... :'(
either way, our lease says we can have ONE cat. if we wanted to have a second we would have to ask the property manager who would then ask the owner of the apartment and who knows what they'd say..... actually, they'd probably say no. unlike in America, in Australia (or atleast in Brisbane) the real estate market is not pet friendly. it's really hard to find a place that will let you have a cat-- we were really lucky to find and get the place that we have. i worry that asking about a second cat might be pushing our luck...
ĉiuokaze, nia lu-kontrakto diras, ke ni rajtas havi UNU katon. se ni volus havi duan, ni devus peti la administranton de la apartamento kaj la adminstranto devus peti la posedanton de la apartamento. kiu scias, kio estus la respondo? fakte, mi scias, ke ĝi verŝajne estus "ne". malsame kiel Usone, Aŭstralie (aŭ almenaŭ Brisbane) la plejparto de lu-loĝejoj ne permesas, ke oni havu dolorbestojn. ni estis ege EGE bonŝancaj pri trovi kaj akiri nian nunan loĝejon kaj mi pensas, ke se ni petus pri duan katon ni fariĝos malbonŝancaj.....
anyway... i can torture myself dreaming, right? there is a cat that i would be glad to adopt if we could and i knew that Fae would be alright with it. his name is Thurston. here's his profile on
ĉiuokaze.... mi rajtas min torturi per revoj, ĉu? estas kato, kiun mi ĝoje adoptus se ni rajtus havi duan katon kaj se mi scius, ke Fae alkutimiĝus al li. lia nomo estas Thurston. jen lia informo (angle) ĉe
Thurston - male cornish rex cat (7yrs old)
When Thurston arrived at a suburban shelter, it wasn't long before he had everyone wanting to be his friend. Not because he's a little different, not because he's good looking and certainly not because he can't keep his tongue in his mouth...because he is one of those cats who must share the love in order to be happy!
He is so relaxed and way too sit, so does he, on your lap. You stand, so does he, it's like Simons Says :-)
With only 4 teeth remaining in his mouth and no veterinary history to draw on, one can only assume that his teeth were extracted or fell out due to poor oral health. Does that mean his health is compromised? Nope...he did have the sniffles when he came to the shelter but other than that, he's healthy.
If you're wanting an indoor cat that will bring plenty of joy for many years to come, one that will inhale all the love you can bestow upon him, then please consider a mature cat like Thurston.
actually, Thurston is the cat that i was originally looking to adopt before i found out about Fae. at the time he was so sick that they weren't sure he'd ever go up for adoption, but now he's been up for adoption for 2.5 months. :( i really hope he finds a good home.... too bad it can't be with us...
fakte, Thurston estas la kato, kiun mi unue volis adopti, antaŭ ol mi eksciis pri Fae. tiam li estis tiel malsana, ke oni ne certis pri ĉu li fariĝos adoptebla. antaŭ 2.5 monatojn li fariĝis adoptebla, sed li ankoraŭ ne estis adoptita. :( mi tutkore esperas, ke li estos adoptita al bona hejmo.... estas tre bedaŭrinde, ke tiu bona homo ne povas esti la nia....
It is hard to believe Thurston has not been adopted yet. He is so cute, and he sounds like a real sweetie. But then, I was amazed that a kitty like Fae was in a shelter!
ReplyDeleteWe'll cross our paws for a wonderful forever home for Thurston.
ReplyDeleteIt's a flip of a coin re: Fae....Annie was adopted after Chumley, and for the most part they were fine together, but after Chum passed, she would have been just fine as an only kitty. She hated Nicki and the almost 4 years (before she passed last month) were very stressful, with daily fights between the two. But she tolerated Derry better (Derry was not vying for alpha cat status). So we think if there had been no competition (from Nicki) for "top cat" status, she would have been okay.
Thurston is so cute! We hope he finds a home soon. It's hard to say whether Fae would be happy with another kitty around. Some kitties like to be only kitties...and some like having others around. But since you can only have one kitty, we're sure Fae will be just fine as the only one.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you write a letter to the owner thanking them for being pet friendly. Explain to them that you've met a senior cat, the same non-shedding type as your first. Give the owner a brief history of curly cats and add that you'd like to provide a nice quiet retirement home where Thurston can spend the rest of his days chasing sun puddles to nap in. Be sure to send a picture.
ReplyDeleteIt must be very difficult to decide to have the 2nd kitty or not. Even if your place is pet-friendly, Fae may not like it. Or does she...? I totally understand how you feel. I always wish I could read my kids' mind! But I am sure Fae is very happy with you :-)