Monday, May 2, 2011

a sunny monday / sunbrila lundo

today wasn't too bad for a monday. for one it was sunny and a little warmer than it had been the past week. before i started work Fae got to go out and enjoy the sun on the balcony for a bit.

hodiaŭ ne estis tre malbona lundo. unukiale, la suno brilis kaj la vetero estis iom pli varma ol la pasinta semajno. antaŭ ol mi eklaboris, mi iris kun Fae balkonen por ke ŝi ĝuu la sunbrilon.

today was a holiday (again!), so the other human got to stay home. he spotted one of the neighbor's cats, Poppy, dozing on the balcony next to ours and showed Fae because she usually enjoys "spying" on other cats from above, but today just wasn't the day for that it seemed...

hodiaŭ estis ferio (denove!), do la alia homo povis resti hejme. li rimarkis unu el la katoj de la najbaro, Poppy, kiu dormetis sur la apuda balkono kaj montris la katon al Fae. kutime plaĉegas al Fae alt-loke "spioni" aliajn katojn, sed verŝajne hodiaŭ ne bonis por tio....

LA ALIA HOMO: hej Fae, jen la dormanta kato tie! FAE: tio TUTE ne interesas min.

note: the mesh wire is to prevent surprise visits from the neighbor's cats.
noto: la drato estas tie por malhelpi surprizajn vizitojn de la najbaraj katoj.


  1. Fae, that photo of you sleeping on your back in the sunbeams is fabulous. Love it! We're glad you've had a good Monday!

    -Fuzzy Tales

  2. Fae why visit with neighbouring cats when you can get so much love and attention from your human instead. Much better!Sweet.
    the critters in The Cottage

  3. Ha! My Mommeh is always trying to pick me up and point stuff out to me, but I always act disinterested too!

  4. You sure were enjoying that sunshine, Fae!

  5. Awww Fae, you look so happy sun paddling :-)
    I hope you have sunny, wonderful week!

  6. That's so cute! Love the photo with Fae's paws up.
