Monday, October 31, 2011

spoiled rotten #3 / trodorlotegado #3

and yet another reason why Fae & Iggy are spoiled:
kaj plua pruvo pri la trodorlotegado de Fae k Iggy:

it's huge! we refer to it as their "palace". as you may have noticed, their "castle" is now out in the cat enclosure. i was against getting them something so expensive and fancy since we just bought the enclosure, but the other human insisted that we should. they get spoiled by both of us humans!

ĝi estas giganta! ni nomas ĝin ilia "palaco". eble vi jam ĉi tion rimarkis, sed ilia "kastelo" nun troviĝas en la kat-fermitejo. mi ne volas aĉeti ion tiel multekosta kaj pompa ĉar ni ĵus aĉetis la fermitejon, sed la alia homo insistis, ke ni ĝin aĉetu. ambaŭ ni homoj trodorlotegadas ilin!

here's a video of when they saw the palace for the first time.
jen filmeto pri kiam ili unuafoje vidis la palacon.


  1. Iggy & Fae,
    its pawsome....your human are great!!!!

  2. That is awesome!! Fae and Iggy, you're gonna have so much fun with that!!

  3. OH MY COD !!!! I wanna be spoil rotten like this too ! Can I move in ? : )

  4. PAWSOME! Hey, do you guys need any more cats to spoil rotten? If so, we will volunteer! :)

    - Sammy and Moosey

  5. Bonege!! Mi havas katon, kaj tio estas tre interesa por acxetia al mia kato.

  6. OMC, that is fantastic! We want one for Christmas--must start our Dear Santa list!

  7. We love your new cat tree Fae and Iggy and it looks as though you lovel it too! Where did your humans find it? We have trouble finding solid cat trees out here and usually one of our friends make ours but that one looks very fun!!
    Have fun!

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  8. What a fabulous Castle! I loved the video, too!

  9. This is such a fantastic palace!! Fae and Iggy are so spoiled... :-)
    Looks like they enjoy it a lot. It is a great gift for them!!

  10. Ok, I'm buying a ticket to Brisbane, NOW!!! I wanna be spoilt rotten too. purrr....meow!

  11. That is an amazing palace, no wonder Fae and Iggy were so excited! Loved your video, it gave me lots of smiles tonite. Thanks!
